As I looked in the mirror getting ready to head out to our fair well dinner tonight I thought: I've changed, I'm different, I've learned a lot. Which sparked the question, well, what did I learn?
So, here's the list:
1) Step outside of your comfort zone.
-Not like do something crazy like ride an elephant, no no, not like something that's scary but you've always dreamed of doing. No no, do something you never in a million years thought you'd be apart of- and to be honest never really wanted to. Like for me, go to Spain to study Spanish in college, sit at cafés for tapas and sangria, stay out until 8:30 am at discotecas and walk home in the daylight, spend some of my travel fund on a pink tank top and new wedges, and at the end of the day decide Europe is a pretty cool place.
2) Stick to who you are even if it's not who anyone else is.
3) Money isn't meant to be saved when there is travel to be had.
4) Live a little.
- I repeat: stay out until 8:30 am at discotecas and walk home in the daylight... (I'll only be 21 in Spain once right?)
5) Don't judge a country by it's continent, (my personal version of don't judge a book by it's cover.)
-refer to description for lesson #1
6) Loving yourself, and even taking some pride in yourself, is the quickest way to inner freedom, (okay so maybe I knew that one already, but it was reinforced here, okay?)
That sums it up perfectly.
It sounds like you are growing up and maturing. Well, that's what life is all about isn't it? I'm happy you are happy. love, gma gries