I don't have words. If travel has ever made me speechless, well I don't know I was pretty speechless at the Taj Mahal, but today, man, Istanbul, Turkey, you have taken my heart. I've been here for approximately five hours and I wish I didn't have to leave.
Every second as I sit here it gets better.
I know it must seem like I'm always crying, but I am fighting tears of happiness right now.
Where do I start. This day deserves the best post. I'm too in the moment.
I'm at a restaurant ate pasta, drank mint tea, got bread and hummus with my meal, and met a British lady who's plans are to visit every country before she dies. She said traveling has restored her faith in humanity and that she's a free spirit.
Everyone was out in the streets today surrounding the Blue Mosque preparing meals to eat once sunset. They all sat in the gardens practically knee to knee on blankets with plates and dishes full of food being prepared. The Mosque played a loud prayer (I believe) over a speaker just after sunset and everyone began to eat. It was beyond magical to watch. I don't have words for how lucky I got to be here in Istanbul on a Saturday night of Ramadan. Which by the way in Turkish is Ramazan.
I cannot believe how much culture I witnessed in just a few hours here.
Turkish is quite the interesting sounding language as well I might add.
I'm just full of joy. Joyful I get to experience the world, witness the human condition, live, taste, hear, smell, see, and touch everything around me.
Today I went to a new country. And tomorrow I'm going to another. I'm living my dream and loving every minute of it.
Until next time Turkey, may our paths meet again some day.
Sounds beautiful, peaceful and friendly. Stay smart, stay safe and remember i love you. grannnny