
To start, I pretty much am that college kid who has dreamed of traveling the world since before she can remember. When choosing what I wanted to study in college and make a career out of, I knew I had to find something that would let me see the world. I've been playing with cameras and fascinated by photography since before I can remember, so it really just made sense. I got my first digital camera for Christmas in 2002 and from there my addiction just escalated.

I'm now 20-years-old, (soon to be 21) and am wrapping up my junior year at Ohio University studying in the Scripps College of Communication in the School of Visual Communication with a concentration in Photojournalism. I am earning a second degree in the College of Arts and Sciences getting a major in Spanish Language, and a minor in Anthropology.
I was Michigan born and raised, just north west of Detroit. I'll defend my city until the day I die and never stop supporting my Detroit Tigers!

At the ripe age of 18 I moved to Athens, Ohio to attend University, and have since fallen in love with that city more than I ever thought possible.

I've traveled extensively with my family growing up, but unfortunately all within a small region. Many a Caribbean Island have been explored along with 33 US states, and a brief run in with a gas station parking lot in Canada. I've also made it out to Costa Rica with a high school Spanish trip, Roatan, Cozumel, and Belize for a cruise with my friends, and in 2013 to Oaxaca, Mexico with my sister and her college roommate for five weeks working and photographing in a children's home.

Last summer my world expanded far beyond any of those travels though as I moved to Kathmandu, Nepal for a ten week photojournalism internship with The Kathmandu Post and The Kantipur Daily. (With a five day pit stop to India where I saw Delhi and Agra, including the Taj Mahal!)

Over this past December and January I study abroad in Rabat, Morocco studying documentary scriptwriting for the School of Media Arts & Studies. I worked with my best friend on a fascinating story on Mystic Islam, which is "To Be Continued..." at the moment. We had a magnificent month traveling all around Morocco visiting, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Assilah, Tangier, Chefchaouen, Fez, and Meknés.

My life dream is to keep traveling and photographing!

Thank You to Wendy Martin for the photograph of myself!

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