Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Happy Ending

Sorry I haven't written with school work on top of travels I've been busy. That being said Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of my favorite places on earth. I leave for London, England tomorrow and while I'm very excited to finally see it even if just for a moment I'm so sad my trip has nearly come to an end. That's all for now. Perhaps more to come later. 


  1. Wonderful to hear what a pleasant trip this has been for you. Matt has taken a car load over to see an apartment/condo he might be interested in. I am eagerly waiting for Chris,Misty & Jocelyn to arrive. We're having chicken tenders/chicken fried rice and asian sitrfry veggies for supper tonight...also homemade from scratch pepperoni rolls, christmas cookies and Cherry cobbler....wish you were here....

  2. Gee, just read Nan's menu i could go for the pepperoni rolls she always made the best :)
    Anyway, back to you Bri, i loved reading all your adventures, you made the reader come right into the beautiful country-side you were in and i enjoyed every bit of reading and looking at the photo's. Love you muchly, can't wait to see you.
    TaTa for now, (that's British talk for now) grannny

  3. What's next? You don't know how much I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the beautiful photos. Keep up the good work. You say you need to be studying...what courses are you taking? Tell us more ,ie, exams when you get home?
